World of Warships

Development blog


Random mechanics and drop rates: additional explanations

Recently, we posted an explanation about how container drop outcomes are determined in World of Warships, and — further — we announced that we would begin publishing the exact drop rates for containers available in-game in the near future. Today, we would like to address some of the most frequent questions that have since been asked about this topic. 


You promised to add a verification system for players to prove that they are 18 years of age or older before purchasing a container. What will this procedure look like?

There will be a special checkbox added to the purchasing form that will require the buyer to confirm their age before proceeding.

Will the complete drop rates for each ship available in the Santa's Gift containers be disclosed?

Yes, we will share the complete list of ships that can drop from these containers, along with detailed drop rates covering every one of them. All details will be provided in a special article at a later date.

Regarding Supercontainers — are the mechanics you described applicable to the chance of obtaining a Supercontainer from daily containers, or only to the result of opening one?

Obtaining Supercontainers and opening them are completely independent mechanics. When claiming daily containers, you have a specific chance to get a Supercontainer; the chance is higher if you choose the "Try Your Luck" option. In this case, there is a dedicated counter mechanic that will eventually bring about a guaranteed drop — having obtained a particular number of normal daily containers, you will get a Supercontainer guaranteed. Moreover, choosing the "Try Your Luck" option reduces the value of that counter.

When it comes to opening Supercontainers, standard container drop mechanics come into effect, which take both item drop probabilities and a counter for a guaranteed item drop into account.

We plan on disclosing full details about how Supercontainers work, along with other containers already present in the game, before the end of spring 2022. The reason for the later implementation of these particular drop rates is because we need time to prepare and localize the relevant new texts and allow for a technical QA process.

How can we be sure that the data you share is true?

The probabilities that we disclosed may be tested by, for example, opening a large number of a certain container, or just collecting statistics from many players who have opened it. For this data to be representative enough you need hundreds or thousands of samples to conduct a reasonable comparison with the announced drop rates. It's worth remembering, however, how both statistics and the allocation of probabilities applied to big numbers work. To clarify this, we would like to quote our previous post:

It is important to understand an expected value and how it works. A probability does not guarantee that opening a specific number of containers will give you the desired reward. For example, the probability to get a specific reward set to 10% does not mean that you're guaranteed to get it if you open enough containers. Statistics and probabilities best reflect the situation for a large number of events (in this example, the event is opening one container). The bigger the number of said events is, the closer the result will be to the expected value. For example, tossing a coin 10 times won't necessarily lead to 5 tails and 5 heads even though the probability is 50% for each of them. But if there would be many thousands of coin tosses, then the share of different sides will be close to 50%. 

We recognize that in the past, there have been cases where we made mistakes in the descriptions of items that were on sale. Every single time this occurred, we admitted the error, corrected the inaccuracy, and compensated concerned players for their inconvenience. We will continue following these principles in the future.

Is there a counter for a guaranteed drop included in containers already available in-game?

Yes, the counter is present in almost all containers in the game. For many of them, we still use test adjustments. We plan to finalize all containers' adjustments and gradually reveal all values related to container item drops before the end of spring 2022.

Thank you for your understanding. We hope that this information fills the gaps left by our previous announcement.