World of Warships

Development blog


Closed Test 13.7 - New Ships

Captains! Update 13.7 is approaching fast - that means we have news to share about new ships entering the game, as well as updated 3D models of previously announced ships.



Pan-American Battleship Ipiranga, Tier VIII

A hypothetical design for a Brazilian Navy battleship developed based on the achievements of British shipbuilding in the 1920s and 1930s, and modernized in the USA in the 1940s.

The ship is named after the river near the city of São Paulo, where Brazil's independence was declared in 1822. In the 19th and 20th centuries, several Brazilian ships bore this name.

Representing Tier VIII in the new Pan-American battleship line announced in our last New Ships DevBlog, we're now ready to share details and statistics of Ipiranga!

Ship's parameters

Hit points – 66300. Bow and Stern Plating - 32 mm.
Main battery - 6x2 356 mm. Firing range - 18.7 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 5000. HE shell armor penetration - 59 mm. Chance to cause fire – 31%. HE initial velocity - 747 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage - 9800. AP initial velocity - 757 m/s.
Reload time - 30.0 s. 180 degree turn time - 45.0 s. Maximum dispersion - 247 m. Sigma – 1.70.
Airstrike (DC):
Reload time - 30.0 s. Available flights - 2. Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight - 1. Maximum range - 10.0 km. Number of Bombs in Payload - 2. Maximum bomb damage - 4200.0.

Secondary Armament:
6x1 127.0 mm, range  - 7.6 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 1800. Chance to cause fire – 5%. HE initial velocity - 792 m/s
8x2 152.0 mm, range  - 7.6 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 2600. Chance to cause fire – 9%. HE initial velocity - 884 m/s
AA defense: 14x2 20.0 mm., 12x2 40.0 mm., 6x1 127.0 mm., 16x1 20.0 mm.
AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second - 305, hit probability - 70 %, action zone - 2.0 km;
AA defense mid-range: continuous damage per second - 238, hit probability - 75 %, action zone - 3.5 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second - 60, hit probability - 75 %, action zone - 5.8 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo - 3, damage within an explosion - 1400, action zone 3.5 - 5.8 km.
Maximum speed - 29.0 kt. Turning circle radius - 920 m. Rudder shift time – 15.7 s. Surface detectability – 15.2 km. Air detectability – 12.4 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 13.6 km.

Combat Instructions:
Progress per main battery shell hit - 4%
Progress per 1000 potential damage - 0.15%
Time of inactivity before progress loss - 50.0 s. 
Progress loss per second of inactivity - 5.0 %.
Activation effect: 
Secondary battery shell damage +25.0%; Secondary battery firing range +10.0%; 
Duration 45.0 s

Available consumables:
1 slot - Damage Control Party (Duration time 20 s; Reload time 80 s; Equipment is unlimited)
2 slot - Repair Party (Duration time 28 s; HP per second 397.8; Reload time 60 s; Charges 4)

All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers but with best available modules. The stats are subject to change during the testing.


German Tier X Cruiser Hildebrand

Fans of German cruisers rejoice! The first Tier X German cruiser since the release of Hindenburg will soon be ready to grace your ports. Based on a large cruiser hull similar to Siegfried or Ägir, Hildebrand is an O-class battlecruiser converted into an aircraft carrier following the concept close to the “Atlantik Flugzeugkreuzer” project, developed in Germany in 1942.

The ship is named in the same manner as her “sisters-in-WOWS”, Ägir and Siegfried, after the hero of ancient Germanic legends. At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, the name was borne by one of the Kaiserliche Marine coastal defense battleships.

A first for a hybrid, Hildebrand has access to two different squadrons: a reliable torpedo bomber squadron with a fast preparation time and a powerful dive bomber squadron which will take much longer to prepare. While she has a large pool of hitpoints and a well-protected citadel, Hildebrand's hangar is not well armored and her poor concealment will make it difficult to break detection when being focused by the enemy. In terms of consumables, Hildebrand has access to Hydroacoustic Search with improved range, a standard Repair Party, and—uniquely for a hybrid—a Repair consumable for her dive bomber squadron.

To succeed in battle, captains must put both the large caliber main battery armament and aviation squadrons to effective use. Good use of cover will be vital for protecting the ship while controlling her aviation; torpedo bombers will be your bread and butter, while the dive bombers should be reserved for vital targets. A high top speed, typical for German aircraft, gives Hildebrand's squadrons a far reach. Keep an eye on your minimap to pick out the best targets of opportunity.

Ships's parameters

Hit points – 63650. Bow and Stern Plating - 27 mm. 
Main battery - 2x3 305 mm. Firing range - 18.5 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 3600. HE shell armor penetration - 76 mm. Chance to cause fire – 27%. HE initial velocity - 865 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage - 9100. AP initial velocity - 865 m/s.
Reload time - 17.0 s. 180 degree turn time - 30.0 s. Maximum dispersion - 203 m. Sigma – 2.05.
Airstrike (DC):
Reload time - 30.0 s. Available flights - 2. Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight - 1. Maximum range - 8.0 km. Number of Bombs in Payload - 2. Maximum bomb damage - 4900.0.

Secondary Armament:
8x2 105.0 mm, range  - 8.3 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 1200. Chance to cause fire – 5%. HE initial velocity - 900 m/s
8x2 150.0 mm, range  - 8.3 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 1700. Chance to cause fire – 8%. HE initial velocity - 875 m/s
AA defense: 10x2 30.0 mm., 6x2 55.0 mm., 8x2 105.0 mm.
AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second - 203, hit probability - 85 %, action zone - 3.0 km;
AA defense mid-range: continuous damage per second - 245, hit probability - 90 %, action zone - 4.0 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second - 154, hit probability - 90 %, action zone - 5.2 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo - 7, damage within an explosion - 1540, action zone 3.5 - 5.2 km.
Maximum speed - 34.0 kt. Turning circle radius - 880 m. Rudder shift time – 14.1 s. Surface detectability – 15.5 km. Air detectability – 10.3 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 12.5 km.

Available consumables:
1 slot - Damage Control Party (Duration time 5 s; Reload time 60 s; Equipment is unlimited)
2 slot - Hydroacoustic Search (Duration time 120 s; Torpedo detection range 4.0 km; Ship detection range 6.0 km; Reload time 120 s; Charges 3)
3 slot - Repair Party (Duration time 28 s; HP per second 318.25; Reload time 80 s; Charges 3)
Torpedo bombers
Hit points - 1570, cruising speed - 149.0 knots, maximum speed - 189.0 knots, size of attacking flight - 3, aircraft per squadron - 3, Squadron restoration time - 80 s, detectability range - 10.0 km, number of aircraft on deck - 3.
Torpedoes in payload - 1, maximum torpedo damage - 4067, aerial speed - 52.0 knots, torpedo range - 2.5 km, torpedo arming distance 489 m.
Dive bombers
Hit points - 1530, cruising speed - 174.0 knots, maximum speed - 214.0 knots, size of attacking flight - 6, aircraft per squadron - 6, Squadron restoration time - 300 s, detectability range - 10.0 km, number of aircraft on deck - 6.
Bombs in payload - 1, bomb type - HE, maximum bomb damage - 13700.0, armor penetration - 68 mm, chance to cause fire – 78 %.

All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers. The stats are subject to change during the testing.

Note: Hildebrant's permanent camouflage is still work in progress.


American Tier VIII Battleship Tennessee

USS Tennessee, the lead ship in her class, was commissioned in 1920. A Pearl Harbor survivor, she underwent two modernizations that significantly changed her appearance. During the Pacific War, USS Tennessee took part in numerous operations including the Battle of Surigao Strait and the Iwo Jima and Okinawa landings. The battleship received ten battle stars during her service. 
A different spin on the gameplay of the Vermont tech tree line, Tennessee is sure to be a good fit for captains who enjoy large, accurate salvos. She carries a main battery of twelve 356mm guns featuring extremely good accuracy, a fast reload, and long range. Typical for American standard-type battleships, Tennessee is slow in a couple of aspects: her turret traverse can only be described as glacial, and her top speed is close to that of a tortoise. While she has a rather small hitpoint pool for a Tier VIII battleship, Tennessee has a few tricks up her sleeve: good concealment will help her pick her fights carefully, while for consumables, a long-duration Damage Control Party will help mitigate fires, her Repair Party features a quick 40-second cooldown, and a choice of Fighter or Spotting Aircraft adds versatility.

In battle, Tennessee will reward captains with good planning and forethought. Look for key areas from which you can fire on a large portion of the map; although slow to get there, once in position Tennessee's long range and accuracy will allow captains to easily punish enemy broadsides from across the map. Be sure to keep an eye on your teammates; if you end up without support and cannot break detection, Tennessee will be quickly run down and sunk due to her low speed and hitpoint pool.
Please keep in mind that Tennessee is still under development and that we will be using a different model and name, Volunteer State, which will not represent Tennessee in its final version.

Ship's parameters

Hit points – 59000. Bow and Stern Plating - 32 mm.
Main battery - 4x3 356 mm. Firing range - 20.2 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 5000. HE shell armor penetration - 59 mm. Chance to cause fire – 30%. HE initial velocity - 861 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage - 10500. AP initial velocity - 823 m/s.
Reload time - 28.0 s. 180 degree turn time - 60.0 s. Maximum dispersion - 172 m. Sigma – 1.90.
Airstrike (DC):
Reload time - 30.0 s. Available flights - 2. Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight - 1. Maximum range - 10.0 km. Number of Bombs in Payload - 2. Maximum bomb damage - 4200.0.

Secondary Armament:
8x2 127.0 mm, range  - 6.6 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 1800. Chance to cause fire – 5%. HE initial velocity - 792 m/s
AA defense: 8x2 127.0 mm., 14x4 40.0 mm., 41x1 20.0 mm.
AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second - 312, hit probability - 70 %, action zone - 2.0 km;
AA defense mid-range: continuous damage per second - 266, hit probability - 75 %, action zone - 3.5 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second - 140, hit probability - 75 %, action zone - 5.8 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo - 6, damage within an explosion - 1540, action zone 3.5 - 5.8 km.
Maximum speed - 20.5 kt. Turning circle radius - 640 m. Rudder shift time – 14.8 s. Surface detectability – 14.1 km. Air detectability – 10.4 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke  – 12.6 km.

Available consumables:
1 slot - Damage Control Party (Duration time 20 s; Reload time 80 s; Equipment is unlimited)
2 slot - Repair Party (Duration time 20 s; HP per second 295.0; Reload time 40 s; Charges 4)
3 slot - Fighter (Duration time 60 s; Fighters 4; Action radius 3 km; Reload time 90 s; Charges 3)
3 slot - Spotting Aircraft (Duration time 100 s; Main battery firing range +20.0%; Reload time 240 s; Charges 4)

All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers. The stats are subject to change during the testing.


Updated Models

Previously represented in testing as "Cordillera", Los Andes now has her very own model. Note that the ship is still considered a work in progress and that there might be slight differences with the final model:

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published on our game's website.