World of Warships

Development blog


Changes to test ships – Closed test 13.6

Based on the testing results, we're applying changes to French destroyers, Admiraal, Statenland, Theseus, Libertad, and Comodoro, as well as Spanish ships Almirante Oquendo and Victoria.


French destroyer L'Adroit, Tier V

  • Emergency Engine Power consumable parameters have been changed:
    • Maximum speed bonus reduced: 25 to 20%
    • Duration reduced: 60 to 50s.

French destroyer Duchaffault, Tier VI

  • Main battery reload time increased: 5.9 to 6.3s.
  • Emergency Engine Power consumable parameters have been changed:
    • Maximum speed bonus reduced: 25 to 20%
    • Duration reduced: 60 to 50s.

French destroyer Le Hardi, Tier VII

  • Emergency Engine Power consumable parameters have been changed:
    • Duration reduced: 75 to 60s.

French destroyer L'Aventurier, Tier VIII

  • Researchable torpedo parameters have been changed:
    • Distance until which torpedoes deal maximum damage reduced: 7 to 6.5km.
  • Emergency Engine Power consumable parameters have been changed:
    • Maximum speed bonus increased: 25 to 30%
    • Duration increased: 75 to 90s.

French destroyer Orage, Tier IX

  • Stock torpedo parameters have been changed:
    • Distance until which torpedoes deal maximum damage reduced: 7 to 6.5km
  • Researchable torpedo parameters have been changed:
    • Distance until which torpedoes deal maximum damage reduced: 7.5 to 7km

French destroyer Cassard, Tier X

  • Torpedo parameters have been changed:
    • Distance until which torpedoes deal maximum damage reduced: 8 to 7km

Dutch cruiser Admiraal,  Tier VIII

  • Main battery parameters have been changed:
    • Reload time increased: 5.5 to 6s.
    • Shell ballistics have been changed — their trajectories will now be flatter.
    • Firing range increased: 15.1 to 15.9

Admiraal is a ship used for testing that is based on Tier VIII Dutch Cruiser De Zeven Provinciën.

Dutch cruiser Statenland, Tier VIII

  • Main battery reload time increased: 5.5 to 6s.
  • Added Smoke Generator consumable with the following parameters:
    • Action time: 30s.
    • Smoke Screen Dispersion time: 124s.
    • Reload time: 160s.
    • Number of charges: 3.
  • Airstrike parameters have been changed:
    • Number of charges increased: 2 to 3.
    • Range increased: 9 to 9.5km
    • Number of aircraft in attacking flight increased: 5 to 7.
    • Cooldown reduced: 40 to 33s.

Statenland is a ship used for testing that is based on Tier VIII Dutch Cruiser De Zeven Provinciën.

British aircraft carrier Theseus, Tier VIII

  • Maximum number of torpedo bombers on deck reduced: 10 to 6
  • Number of aircraft in an attacking flight of skip bombers increased from 2 to 3.
    • Total number of planes in the squadron remains unchanged.

Spanish cruiser Almirante Oquendo, Tier IX

  • Main battery reload time increased: 12 to 13s.
  • Alternative firing mode reload time increased: 18 to 18.5s.

Pan-American battleships Libertad and Comodoro, Tier X

  • HE shell maximum damage increased: 5750 to 6100.

Spanish battleship Victoria, Tier IX

  • HE shells removed
  • Standard AP shell parameters have been changed:
    • Maximum damage reduced: 10,650 to 9800.
    • Shell ballistics have been changed — their trajectories will be more arced. As a result, the ballistics on standard and modified shells have become identical.
    • Shell penetration has been significantly reduced.
    • Shell fuse time has been reduced: 0.033 to 0.015 s.
    • The angle at which the check for ricochets is made increased: 45 to 70 degrees.
    • Guaranteed ricochet angle increased: 60 to 80 degrees.
  • Modified AP shell parameters changed:
    • Maximum damage increased: 14200 to 14700.
    • Shell ballistics have been changed — their trajectories will now be flatter. As a result, the ballistics on standard and modified shells have become identical.
    • Shell penetration has been significantly increased.
    • The angle at which the check for ricochets is made reduced: 45 to 30 degrees.
    • Guaranteed ricochet angle reduced: 60 to 40 degrees.
    • Detectability by sea reduced: 16.1 to 14.5km.
      • All other detectability ranges were adjusted accordingly

Currently, we are considering multiple Victoria ship concepts and besides the previously announced one, we will also test the current one.

Starting with Update 13.6, we will begin testing the above-mentioned concept for Victoria. We will thoroughly evaluate the ship's performance and tester feedback for all concepts of the ship before making the final decision.

In this new iteration, Victoria gets low-damage and low-penetration standard AP shells, which have incredible ricochet angles and reduced fuse timer, making them very similar to SAP shells, but with much more penetration (compared to SAP shells, that is—otherwise penetration is quite low for a battleship shell) and higher chance to hit citadels.

Alternative AP shells, on the contrary, boast very high penetration and damage, but have significantly worse than average ricochet angles, making them only useful against broadside targets, as the shells will start to ricochet even off the slightly angled ships, making them primarily an anti-broadside weapon. To further supplement this gameplay of a "broadside hunter", the ship's concealment was improved.

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published on our game's website.