World of Warships

Development blog

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Balance changes to Petropavlovsk and Tashkent - closed test 0.11.3

We've made changes to the parameters of Petropavlovsk and Tashkent based on our analysis of their combat efficiency and your feedback. These changes were required in order to carefully adjust the balance of selected warships. Further changes may follow in future updates, should they be required.

Ship Restrictions in Clan Battles

In a previous post, we shared our decision to introduce a ship limitation system for Season 14 of Clan Battles and talked about how it impacted gameplay. Now, we want to go into detail about how and why we decide to limit certain ships.

Closed Test 0.11.3 - Superships in the tech tree


By now, Superships have been through several different rounds of live testing, starting with Grand Battle in Update 0.10.5, and followed by their presence in the 5th season of Ranked, in Co-op battles since 0.10.10, and in Randoms since 0.11.0. In Update 0.11.3, Superships will finally exit testing and make a permanent appearance in the national tech trees.