World of Warships

Development blog

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Random mechanics and drop rates: additional explanations

Recently, we posted an explanation about how container drop outcomes are determined in World of Warships, and — further — we announced that we would begin publishing the exact drop rates for containers available in-game in the near future. Today, we would like to address some of the most frequent questions that have since been asked about this topic. 

Closed test of the new map


Back in September, we turned to our community to help determine the visual style of our next in-game map, and, as you may remember from the poll we held on our portal, the winning theme was "Faroe Islands". Now, we're here to share some news about its development.

ST 0.10.10, superships characteristics

We'd like to share details on the characteristics of superships Satsuma, Hannover, Conde, Annapolis, Zorkiy, and Yamagiri, as well as the settings of their unique mechanics. 

Anniversary stream announcements, guess the ship

This September, during the official World of Warships' 6th Anniversary stream, we issued you a challenge - guessing the identity of a ship based on its silhouette. You suggested many different historical names and variants, and the correct answer was named almost instantly.

Random mechanics and drop rates


Earlier, when we shared a list of different planned measures directed at improving World of Warships, we promised that we would publish all drop rates for all Containers and Random bundles over the course of 2022. Today we're ready to share some progress in this direction with you.

Waterline: Superships

In the new episode of Waterline, we talk about the future of superships in our game.